"It's not what you know, but who you know that counts!"
Unfortunately this cliché is usually spoken bitterly by one of the many losers of the world. He or she is simultaneously making an excuse-and framing an accusation-as to why someone better-connected or more widely well- thought-of has just received a promotion or a new job he or she felt entitled to.
Not sad that the loser didn't win. But sad that, knowing one of the many perfectly legitimate reasons winners do win, the loser took no steps to foster his or her own valuable network of personal contacts.
The business world-and society in general-is not a meritocracy in which the wisest and most virtuous person will be sought out from obscurity and escorted to a position of leadership.
Far from it. We all tend to give opportunity and responsibility to people we already know and like. We also tend to give consideration to people warmly recommended by others we know and trust. And we give more attention to strangers who are prominent in their field, than to anonymous strangers who may be equally- or perhaps even better-qualified.
Accordingly, these observations and suggestions: Tirade associations provide a wealth of contacts.
Don't pass up the chance to represent your company in trade association activity. In many companies, association functions are looked down upon, and second- and third-echelon people are often sent because higher-ups are "too busy." Resist any status-minded temptation to be "too busy."
Go. You'll come back knowing people who work for your competitors. If they're high-level and highly impressed with you, someday they may be sources of career opportunity. And if they're lower-level, but able, they may be prospective employees you can hire later on. Even if they're lower-level and unimpressive, you may suddenly find that you need information, and they'll be willing to supply it.
You should always be able to check your database of contacts and identify someone you can phone within every competitor. Wherever your contacts aren't yet ideal, keep upgrading whenever the opportunity arises.
Seminars and Conferences
Not only does it make sense to attend seminars and conferences as a means of collecting valuable contacts, you can benefit even more from participating. Accept invitations to appear in forums and panel discussions. That may be the quickest possible way to become well known in your industry.
And don't "hang back" waiting to be invited to be a panelist. When you're still young and have most reason to want the publicity, you're least likely to be asked.
After this year's event, and before work on next year's gets underway, write or phone the president of the association and/or the designated chairman of the next meeting. Say what you thought were this year's highlights. And then describe a unique new subject area, or a new twist for a traditional event, which you feel would greatly interest the membership. If you phone, follow up with a written description which can be conveniently circulated to gather opinions and support.
Creative ideas for association meetings are extremely hard to find, and few people are willing to help. If your attitude is helpful, rather than pushy, chances are the powers-that-be may like your idea and may ultimately ask you to execute it. Even if they go ahead with someone else in charge, you'll probably be one of the key participants.
If you become the leader, you've got a license to make very high-level contacts in soliciting panelists...possibly even CEOs. Even as a participant, you gain exposure and make fine contacts. No longer just a face in the crowd, you're on your way to prominence.
Consider starting your own association.
An outrageous idea? It's done all the time. People and companies who have something to gain by it start a new association.
When companies do it, they usually promote an organization of users and potential users of their products or services. Once identified by association membership, these prospective customers are easier to reach with direct mail and online campaigns to the general membership list, with ads in the association's publications, with booths at conventions, etc.
Examples: a leading computer manufacturer has fostered organizations of EDP professionals within various industries, such as insurance and accounting. And an insurance company very successfully launched America's leading national association of retired people, in order to promote its health insurance policies for people over 55.
When a group of individuals promotes a new association, there's often a double agenda:
- They see a valid purpose for the organization...essential, or it won't attract membership, and
- They see themselves acquiring professional prominence by being the instigators-and probably the initial officers-of an association representing their field. Instantly they appear to be acclaimed by their peers as top-echelon people.