It is possible to make 100 K in a lot of career. But you have to choose a career which is lucrative as far as money is concerned. You have to invest a lot of your time in your work in order to earn 100 K. take this as an example. It is possible for you to earn 100 K if you are an eBay seller by profession. But it is a must that you have to be good at your trade and you have to invest a lot of time in your profession.
If you are an autoworker at UAW, you can make 100K. But you have to put in 60 hours of work every week. You will get some additional benefits such as pension, no co pays, and health care facilities after retirement etc.
If you want to you can easily carve out a high paying career for yourself. This is because every profession allows you scope to make a lot of money. In every work field there exists a hierarchy. This means you can join in at the entry level and climb up the rungs of the ladder. You have to prove your worth and money will flow in your life. Say you join the company in the entry level position and in ten years you can get promoted to managerial level and you can earn 100 K thereafter.
In some fields such as sales it is possible to make anything $60 K - $ 500 K. it depends on how good you are at it.
Which ever field you choose to work in, try to be the best in that field. This will increase your demand and you can charge more for your services. If you love dogs and want to become a dog vendor, try to be the best dog vendor around. If want to get into sales, try to sell the most expensive items on eBay.
About sales: there are people who purchases shoes from discount stores and sell the products online. They make huge amount of money. Some of them make $15,000 per month doing this. But there is a hitch. They have to store up the entire collection of shoes and shipping boxes in their houses.
Senior software engineers and software administrators can easily make $100 k in a year. Many software engineers working from urban areas make this kind of money.
The CEOs of many top companies of America make $450 k every year.
If you are a doctor, a lawyer, an actor staying in the US, you can make much more than $100 k a year. Money will come to you when you are good in your work and you know the tricks of the trade.