The first thing you need to remember is that the person who has the 100k plus job is connected. More than just being an avid networker, though they are definitely that as well, you will find they have connections. Perhaps they were lucky and fell into them, or perhaps they created them from nothing at all! Make sure you consider what your options are if you are interested in getting the job that pays well. Are you someone who makes connections?
Another thing you will discover when you are interested in 100k jobs is the fact that people who have this position all know when to put their noses to the grindstone. They know when they are going to need to spend the extra four hours at work, and they know when to talk to someone and to make sure everything is taken care of. They work, they let people know they are working and they make the most out of their time. Sometimes, projects just need more work.
The flip side of that coin is they also know when to go home. There are definitely people out there who work themselves too hard and end up forfeiting a lot more than just a little bit of time, but the truth of the matter is that a 100k plus job is one that knows you to need to take some time off as well. What this boils down to is that when you are looking at a job with a high salary, you have got to know how to manage your time. Unless you do, you will find you are looking at something that is just going to take the wind from your sails.
Finally, if you want to get into the jobs that pay well and when you are hunting 100k jobs, you need to be a timely person. It sounds simple, and in many ways, it is; but if you realize you are constantly missing deadlines or forgetting things, you are going to suffer for it. Being timely is something that many people lack, but you can bet that people who command high prices have mastered it.
If you are ready to get the right results from your work, make sure you integrate the habits of people who command a high salary!