Now of course, those higher-level personnel who have the vision and the means to implement these winning marketing and sales strategies are those who will be able to rise to the heights of their procession, bringing in salaries of $100K or more per year. If you have a consistent record of progressively larger successes in increasing sales goals and generally improving the company's bottom line, you may be a well-suited candidate for such a position; and there is more than one way to the top.
You may have begun at the very bottom of the ladder, perhaps as a salesperson or a production assistant, and worked your way up, finally becoming ready for one of these senior-level sales and marketing positions. You may have also acquired extensive expertise in your field outside of the company where you hope to make your career as a highly compensated sales or marketing executive and are now attempting to win one of these coveted jobs.
You may have come into sales from a different angle, such as specializing as a consultant teaching the sales and marketing staff of companies to be more effective in producing results consistent with the objectives of the companies which employ them. These sorts of training jobs can be lucrative, provided you possess the necessary experience in the field and the ability to impart this knowledge to others in a way which they can implement in the course of their duties within their company. If you have an extensive track record of successful management experience, training jobs like these $100K careers may be a possibility for you, one which can be very rewarding, both personally and financially.
So what sort of work experience will make one qualified for one of these high-level, $100K careers? These are genuinely desirable career opportunities and do not come along every day, of course. You will need to be prepared with some years of solid experience in your field. More than that; you will need to be among the very best at what you do and must have a deep understanding of how sales and marketing departments fit into the larger picture of the company as a whole. This kind of insight is what separates people who are merely talented sales and marketing staff from those who are truly executive material. And if you want to find yourself in a position in sales or marketing which is compensated at the $100K+ level, you will have to develop this kind of big-picture thinking. Remember, these career opportunities are meant for those who can step back from the day-to-day operations of sales department and see how the way that the department operates affects the company.
Certainly, you cannot walk in off the street and expect to land one of these $100K careers. Even if you happen to be a consultant who is offering services and expertise in hopes of securing a contract for one of the training jobs out there, you will still need to have the kind of credentials which could get you hired into this sort of position permanently. Not everyone is going to be able to land one of these high-level jobs. However, if a $100K career is your goal, you can get there—but it is going to take dedication, some years of hard work, and a willingness to give 100%. You will also have to develop the ability to see things as they do in the boardroom rather than on the sales floor. This perspective is vitally important to making the kinds of choices that can land you in the kind of career you have always dreamed of with a salary which will allow you to lead a comfortable life. It is not necessarily going to be easy to get to the top, and no one ever said it would be. That said, the view is amazing from up there, and you will learn a lot of valuable lessons on your way up.