Most jobs over 100k are difficult to reach. You usually have to climb the corporate ladder for years before you receive the raise that puts you over the 100k mark. Or you have to start your own business and test the entrepreneurial waters of small business. But with sales commissions, it's all about how much you want and how much you put into it. If you're comfortable with people, you can approach one potential customer after another until you've made enough sales to bring in over 100k in commissions. In order to accomplish this feat, you need to know how to market yourself.
If you type in 100k jobs and search online, you'll find that most jobs are corporate jobs that require an impressive resume. However, you'll also see many sales jobs with 100k plus potential. You can either go to school to build your impressive resume and work for the corporate giant, or you can give your virtual sales shoes an immaculate shoeshine, roll up your sleeves and get to work. The best way to begin is by learning your own strengths and weaknesses. Often you won't discover these until you've started approaching people and reading their reactions to your sales pitch. The more you experiment with your approach and read their response, the more you'll understand what your personality traits are. You can also start by writing down what you think your strengths and weaknesses are, to give yourself a direction. As long as you're open minded to accepting the fact that you may be wrong, you're on the right track.
Learning your own strengths and weaknesses can be quite difficult. Most people spend their lifetime mastering and understanding themselves. How do you truly look at yourself objectively? Most people can't, and those who think they can probably don't. The best you can do is to see yourself the way others would see you. You can try videotaping yourself giving a sales pitch, or you can ask close friends and relatives what they think of you. You can have surveys for special customers and hope some of them will fill it out. Either way, as long as you're trying to see yourself as others see you, you're heading in the right direction and should be making progress.
With online sales jobs, your sales pitch must come from a different angle. Sometimes you need to disguise your pitch to make it look like friendly chatter, or you need to enter forum conversations with natural conversational flow before introducing your product. You can blatantly state your sales position, and use as much rhetoric as possible to woo your online readers. The Internet provides so many different ways to approach people and you can try all different kinds of approaches to see what works best for you. Once again, it's all about your own strengths and weaknesses, and the more you experiment, the sooner you'll find your online strengths.
You don't really see salesmen going door-to-door anymore. It's all online now. People try selling on social networking sites, or they try entering forums to make their sales pitch. Many of these new ideas have crashed and burned as people see right through these posts and flag them as spam. So the question is, can you sell without sounding like a ''salesman''? If so, you could try these social networking sites. You can also try your luck at not disguising anything and simply getting on to let everyone know about a great product. If you get on the pertinent forums and websites, chat rooms and social networking groups, you might have an audience regardless of the fact that you sound like a salesman. People like honesty, so maybe that's the best way to start. If you're friendly with people and respond to their comments and questions, they'll at least know that you're a person and not a bot. That's always a good way to start building relationships, and if you have a good online reputation, then other people might send you some referrals.
The bottom line is: it's possible and it doesn't require any schooling or corporate ladder scaling. You can start anytime and from anywhere. You can find a product that needs salespeople, and there are always products that need them, and test out the waters of online retail. These 100k jobs are risky, but since they're all based on commission, you can make as much as you aim for. You're not limited to a salary; if you want to make more than 100k, you simply have to work harder and sell more. The more you sell, the more you make, and there's no greater incentive than that!